We are registered company in Dubai UAE. However this General Policy covers the activities related to worldwide clients. We at our best level acts as a controller of clients personal data. We are responsible for ensuring that the personal data is used fairly and lawfully.

Loans & Overdues Rescheduling Services: Our services includes providing advisory services to persons and corporations who failed to manage their borrowings and overdue claims, and so became under overspending situation which leads to social and legal problems, our activities involves advising on how to organize the cash flow and mediating between borrowers and defaulters in one hand and banks and official departments on the other to reach a workable rescheduling program.

Credit Review Services:Includes reviewing credit applications submitted to banks by borrowers and were refused due to being outside the credit criteria or being non-complying to the banks’ regulations, we provide services to these borrowers to resubmitting their applications after corrections and complying to the requirements.

Financing Broker: We act as facilitator between borrowers, whether persons looking for personal loans or businesses for purchasing, developing or expanding the business, and lenders, our services are assisting them on securing the right finance from banks or other lending institutions.

Our Expertise: SME and Individual Credit cards / Loans / Facilities application expert. Credit cards / Loans / facilities rejection handling expert. Your adviser for banks and official departments in UAE. Your adviser to open banking accounts and KYC updation. AECB / WORLD CHECK. Credit review services. Financing broker.

2. Term used as:

Personal data Includes personal or company financial, non-financial, legal, non-legal, general information and personal or company trade license, other government bodies license/certificates/IDs, financial, non-financial, legal, non-legal, other general documents, any type of contact numbers, email IDs, websites, social media pages, links, dependents, habits, personal lifestyle, livings, income, expenses, tax, application forms, all other forms, undertakings, cheques, drafts, declarations, personal IDs copies, Passport copies, Visa copies, stock warehouse details, staff information, work place details, any kind of pictures, company profiles, any other contracts, sales/purchase invoices, quotations, trade related documents, transport documents, salary slips, salary certificates, bank statements, banks letters, audit reports, in-house financials, any other reports provided to us referred here and after called “personal data”.

Client, You, Your, includes as our customers (individual and companies) who are using our advisory and services. On the other hand includes as our 3rd party, direct and indirect service providers referred here and after called “client”.

Us, We, Our, LANGAH A S K FINANCING BROKER AND CREDIT REVIEW SERVICES and our website www.askplanb.info and our social media pages here and after referred as “Us, We, Our”

Service(s) includes all services as agreed on “Service agreement” here and after referred as “Service(s)”.

Consent includes as agreed on ““Service agreement” here and after referred as “Consent”.

You can contact us about issues relating to personal data, including the contents of this notice, by any of the following methods:
Email: masood@askplanb.info
Telephone: +971508681995


This section explains the purposes for which we use personal data about you. More detail about the types of personal data that we use for these purposes can be found in below.

Direct marketing

We use and supply personal data for direct marketing purposes. This means that the personal data is used to help provide you with information about goods and services which may be of interest to you. This includes activities such as:


We and our clients can use personal data to help screen you out of certain marketing campaigns. This helps to avoid unnecessary or upsetting marketing activity and means that you are less likely to receive marketing which is not suitable or relevant to you. Our screening activity makes use of personal data collected from different sources, which we combine to produce a “best view” of your information. For example, we may obtain your title from one source, your first initial and surname from another source and your middle name from another source – these can be combined to provide a fuller set of information about you.

Statistical analysis: commercial analysis:

Information about customers can be used to help organizations find out what sort of people buy their goods and services. This can help them make decisions such as whether they need to change their advertising strategy. By analyzing information about individuals, we can help provide this sort of insight to our clients. Where possible, information which is used for this purpose is aggregated and anonymized so that it cannot be used to identify particular individuals. Information about properties or postcodes is also used for this purpose.

Statistical analysis: non-commercial analysis:

In addition to the analysis of personal data for commercial reasons (see above), some of our clients require personal data for non-commercial analysis and research. Again, where possible, information which is used for this purpose is aggregated and anonymized so that it cannot be used to identify particular individuals. Information about properties or postcodes is also used for this purpose.

Product or systems development and testing:

We sometimes use personal data while improving, developing, monitoring, maintaining and testing our products, services and systems. This includes making sure that our security measures are working properly. Where possible, we will anonymize and aggregate the personal data before doing this.

Consumer queries; legal and regulatory purposes:

If you contact us we will normally need to use your personal data to help us deal with your enquiry. We may also sometimes need to use your personal data for legal and regulatory purposes.


Many of our services rely on personal data. For example:

Personal data evaluations:

We use and share personal data for evaluation purposes. This includes assessing its suitability for a particular purpose and, for example, deciding whether or not it would be useful to us as part of a product or service. It is necessary to share personal data with any third party(s) in order for them to be able to try to match and fulfil client requirements, or add to it more personal data that they hold and return additional personal data to us.

When we evaluate process personal data, we apply a range of safeguards to protect the interests of clients. For example, we anonymize the personal data where possible, we ensure it is protected with appropriate security measures, and we limit the quantities of personal data and the period for which it is used and retained.

Operating our business:

We use personal data as part of our own internal operations. For example:

Personal data We Collect:

The personal data that we collect is generally limited about you that you submit on the Website. The personally identifiable information that may be collected includes your name, address, email address, telephone number, fax number, information about your interests in and use of various products, programs, and services, education level and interests. Although we are not collecting credit card information at this time, we reserve the right to do so in the future. To the extent that customer credit card-specific information is collected by our company and any of our affiliates and/or subsidiaries, said information will be kept in confidence and will not be shared with any third parties (other than consumer credit agencies) without the customer's prior informed consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we and our affiliates and subsidiaries reserve the right to share with third parties the fact that they have credit card information on file for specific customers but they will not share this credit card information with third parties without the customer's prior informed consent. Like most standard website servers, we use log files. Log files track anonymous user information including, but not limited to, Internet Protocol ("IP") addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider ("ISP"), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks. This information is tracked in order to analyze trends, administer the Website, track users' movements in the aggregate and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. The information tracked via log files is not linked to personally identifiable information.

Any personal data that you supply to us remains your personal property. However, by submitting that information our company, you grant us the right to use this personal data for any legal purpose including, without limitation,

By giving this personal data, you grant us the right to use that personal data for marketing purposes, and agree to receive email marketing from the Website. We may maintain separate email lists for different purposes. In order to end your email subscription to a particular list, you must follow the instructions contained in any email correspondence that you receive from us. Unsubscribing from one list will not automatically unsubscribe you from all email lists. We only send email marketing to clients that have agreed, whether by visiting this Website or through third party websites, to receive email marketing from us. We do not send unsolicited bulk email. As a result, certain statutes, requiring particular formatting for unsolicited bulk email may not be applicable to the bulk email that is sent by us. Though we make every effort to preserve user privacy, we may be required to disclose personal data in some instances, such as,

Moreover, you hereby consent to the disclosure of any record or communication to any third party when our company, in its sole discretion, determines the disclosure to be appropriate including, without limitation, sharing your email address with other third parties for suppression purposes in compliance with the provisions of the Act.


This section explains the legal basis on which we process personal data.

Legitimate interests

The UAE data protection law allows the use of personal data where necessary for legitimate purposes provided that this isn’t outweighed by the impact it has on the relevant client. Most of our processing activities are based on the legitimate interest’s condition. This includes almost all of our services/credit referencing and data marketing services.


We always rely on consent (please read and sign consent along with service agreement and customer information form) from the relevant client in order to process their personal data, missing consent from client, this is relatively rare. Consent is used as the basis for sharing your personal data with lenders, banks, financial, non-financial companies, governments and semi-government organizations, independent survey companies, 3rd party verification companies and as we may deem fit to fulfil client’s requirements and for sending marketing materials to clients by email, telephone, SMS or similar methods.

Performance of our contract with the relevant individual

When a person signs up to our website, like/follow us on our social media pages, sign service agreement, we agree to provide them with services as set out in the Terms & Conditions for the relevant source. We need to use their personal data in order to be able to provide them with agreed services. We also use this basis for processing some of our staff data.


Service providers

We may provide personal data to third parties who help us use it for the purposes described in section 3. For example: These service providers are generally not allowed to use information for their own purposes or on behalf of other organizations.

Business transfers

If we sell our business to a third party, or go through a corporate re organization, we will transfer personal data to the company that acquires the business.


We may pass personal data to a regulator such as Central bank of UAE, Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB), other Federal Government organization or the Financial Conduct Authority and all other independent monitoring/services providing companies.


We are based in the United Arab Emirates, and will access and use personal data from here. However, we may also have operations elsewhere in the world in future and personal data may be accessed from there too. In these cases, the use of the information in those locations is protected by data protection standards of location country.


We also send information/personal data elsewhere in the world. For example:


We keep personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is held. You will need to contact us (see section 2) or refer to the privacy notices for our specific activities in order to find out exactly how long the data is kept for.


We perform various profiling activities using personal data. When we refer to profiling, we mean using personal data to make predictions about clients, to act on behalf of them, to arrange credit from lenders, to make wise decisions about their financial situation, or to categorize them into particular groups.

For example:

We generally do not use personal data or profiling to make automated decisions that have significant effects for clients, but some of our 3rd party service providers may do so. For example, bank who receive credit facility application from us may use those to help them decide whether or not to grant credit facility to a particular client.


You have several different rights in relation to the personal data that we hold about you. These are briefly described below. To enquire about exercising these rights, please use the contact details set out in section 2 and/or contact your personal consultant from our company.


Lending decisions

We are advisory expert and we don’t tell a lender if it should offer you credit – this is for the lender to decide. We provide personal data and analytics based on our expertise that help lenders make decisions about lending. The scoring tools, supporting documents and personal data we provide may profile you, and are often a valuable tool in the lender’s overall processes and with the criteria they use to make their decisions. A lender’s own data, knowledge, processes and practices will also generally play a significant role in that lender’s business decisions - and lender decisions will always remain for lenders to make. The same services/analytics from us may lead to different decisions from different lenders, as they can place differing importance on some factors than others. That’s why you may receive a “no” from one lender but a “YES” from another.

The personal data we provide is just one of the things that a lender might take into account when they make a lending decision. The lender might also take into account data provided by the person applying/processing/reviewing/verifying/deciding credit, as well as any other data available to the lender from other internal and 3rd party sources. Each lender will have its own criteria for deciding whether or not to lend.

Scores and ratings

When requested, we do use personal data obtain to produce credit, risk, fraud, identity, affordability, screening, collection and/or insolvency review/scores and credit ratings; these are explained in Section 5 above. We don’t tell a lender if it should offer you credit – this is for the lender to decide. Each credit reference agency, and each lender, will have its own criteria for how to calculate a credit score, but the following factors will usually have an effect:

We may provide or make available further information/documentary support on profiling where necessary from time to time.


Our clients and resale partners

We share personal data with our clients for the purposes described in section 3 above. Our clients will each have their own privacy notices which will provide more information about how they (specifically) use the data we supply. Our clients typically operate in the following sectors: